Learn Universal Rays Healing

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Learn to become an accredited Universal Rays Healing™ practitioner and support yourself and your clients to release and resolve all that limits you from living your true potential on Earth.

Universal Rays Healing™ is a wonderful therapy to add to your practitioner toolbox and one your clients will come back to again and again.

Learn how to channel the power of the Universal Rays directly from the Ascended Masters of Light. Become a healing angel and offer your loving service to humanity.

Offer this amazing healing therapy and work directly with the Masters of the Rays and assist humanity to transform its consciousness on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Universal Rays Healing™ is a potent gift of healing for your clients and yourself. Allow yourself and others to experience the power of deep transformation at an alchemical level through all your cells and molecules of consciousness.

Each time you offer a Universal Rays Healing™ as the practitioner you are also harmonised and brought into balance when you channel the Universal Rays through your being. This is the very essence of healing and transformation.

You can now study the theory of Universal Rays Healing™online in the comfort of your own home and learn this powerful healing modality.

Blessed Be All Beings.

Note: When you are accredited to Level 1 you only offer the basic healing but are not a fully qualified Universal Rays Healing™ practitioner. To offer the complete Universal Rays Healing™ you need to be accredited all the way to Level 3.

Level 1 Online Training
Level 2 Online Training
Level 3 Training